Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Witcher

I got The Witcher with my video card. I had no idea what it was about and didn’t really feel like trying it; however, I couldn’t let a free game go to waste. I looked it up, and apparently, it was supposed to have top of the line graphics. What better way was there to test out my new graphics card? The storyline sounded interesting, but I didn’t get far enough to really get into it. The opening sequence really hooked me. The graphics were especially impressive, and the character started being established. However, it ends up being a side story that occurs outside of the main game’s storyline. The music during this sequence really set the atmosphere for the whole cutscene.

Upon getting into the game I was very impressed by the graphics. The detail on the character models was impeccable. The characters skin was rough and armor and weapons gleamed like real metal. The voices of the characters really fit the setting of the game, and the actors did a good job.

One aspect of the game that really interested me was the combat system. The combo system was pretty unique, requiring the player to time their clicks for a three hit combo ending in a stun. The stun then allowed the player to finish off the enemy.

One disappointing part about this game is that it seems there are still bugs, especially with Windows Vista. My friend played about an hour into the game. Upon reaching a loading screen we waited for a long time before realizing the game had frozen. The game did have long loading sequences due to the graphics, so we had no idea that the game had crashed until after waiting a long time. I hope to get a chance to play this game. I need to look online to find the patches required to keep the game from freezing.

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